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Organize, deliver, and track online learning and training for your skilled workforce

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Get organized and track progress anywhere, any time

Experience a flexible learning environment with Paymate, ensuring 24/7 accessibility from any location. Empower your team to learn at their own pace, any time, anywhere, for a truly tailored and dynamic learning experience.

Share your notes and track progress any time

Effortlessly monitor your employees’ progress in training courses and jot down import and important notes, ensuring comprehensive tracking and easy documentation for streamlined learning.

Work in the language you’re most comfortable in

You can work in English, French, or Spanish, with more languages coming! Choose your preferred language to ensure a smoother, more comfortable experience to keep your processes efficient and error-free. Your employees can also work in their own preferred language, unlocking new levels of efficiency for your team.

Get updates in real-time

Gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions with Paymate’s powerful reporting and analytics tools, providing in-depth analysis and comprehensive reporting capabilities for a deeper understanding of your employees’ learning and knowledge.


Book a demo with our team to learn more about Paymate’s Learning Management System.

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1-866-729-6283 ext. 2

1-866-729-6283 ext. 1